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In addition to scanning thousands of photos and recreating 59 of them, Dahl also read many of his grandfather’s journals. “It was a really cool, deeper insight, because I only knew my grandfather as an older man,” Dahl said. “It was cool to see him how he was when he was around my age, and see how he thought and how he saw the world.” Dahl also enjoyed reading about his grandfather’s mistakes and how he overcame them. He was only familiar with his grandfather as a righteous patriarch who worked for the LDS Church his entire adult life as an institute director. With the help of Google Street View, Taylor Dahl, a recent BYU graduate, traveled Europe recreating photos that his grandpa took over 67 years ago. This photo was taken in Oberammergau, Germany. “Just to hear that he was human and just like me was very humanizing,” Dahl said. “Even though I knew him, it was a whole new facet that I discovered through the process.” Besides everything Dahl learned about his grandfather throughout his “Grandpa’s Photos” project, it changed the way he viewed family history. According to Dahl, he always thought family history was limited to indexing and searching for names, activities that weren’t as appealing to him as a creative person. “Prior to this, I really hadn’t done any family history work, but this is a way I was able to really be passionate about something and cultivate that relationship beyond the grave,” Dahl said.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit https://www.deseretnews.com/article/900020314/byu-advertising-grad-recreates-grandfathers-photos-67-years-later.html